herbalist- Aromatherapist- coach



Every home needs an herbalist. Let's start with you.

Hi!  I’m Rachel Silves

Registered Herbal Therapist | Certified Aromatherapist | Coach

Once upon a time, I was just like you.

I was tired of taking my kids to the doctor for every little sniffle and cough – only to be exposed to even more sick people in the waiting room – then told it was a viral childhood illness and to take Tylenol and Pedialyte.

But even more, I was tired of feeling scared and helpless when my kids got sick. I practically panicked when the thermometer crept over 99 degrees. What if it was that one flesh-eating superbug that I heard about on Facebook that one time? I didn’t want to miss anything but I also didn’t want to go to the doctor for every little thing. 

I just wanted to help my kids feel better and recover quicker and ultimately get sick less. 

I was tired of canceling plans, missing out on activities, and having to take time off because my kids were sick all the time. 

With a background in community health, I knew that family health was multifaceted. I knew there had to be a better way to manage my family’s health than what conventional Western Medicine had to offer. But I didn’t know where to start.

So, what’s a mama to do? 

So I did what I do best (my husband says I’ve got obsessive, I mean intense/passionate traits), and I took my family’s health into my own hands. 

Fast forward to now, 15 years later, 2500 hours of diving deep into natural remedies, and understanding how the body works: I can make informed health decisions and use natural remedies to take care of my family with confidence. 

What they're saying about Rachel:

I’m on a mission to help moms take control of their family’s health naturally and effectively.

Fun Facts About Me

  • I’m an 8 on the Enneagram (IYKYK)
  • I have two girls (13 and 7) and 2 dogs. I’ve been married to my college sweetheart for almost 18 years.
  • I’m a total nerd and love anatomy and physiology (I got 97%- the highest grade in my college A&P Class!)
  • I’m a major introvert and recharge by being alone and with quiet time.
  • While I’m an herbalist- my favorite drink is coffee all the way. I even roast my own beans #coffeesnob
  • My youngest daughter told me I’m fierce and it was the greatest compliment I’ve ever received.

My Values

  • Personal Responsibility: No one cares as much about your health and your family’s health as you do. I believe in taking control of my family’s health, keeping my family safe and healthy, and advocating for the best possible care when needed. I have a deep belief that I can impact my situation and can affect my perspective and my circumstances.
  • Authenticity: You see what you get with me. Some people say I’m direct, intense, and honest. I’ll tell it to you like it is – no sugar coating here. But don’t worry, I’m nice too.
  • Wholistic Health: I believe that health is multifaceted and that YOU are the expert on YOU. I believe in co-creating transformation and health- not me telling you what’s best.
  • Practical Learning: I believe in lifelong learning and balancing information with practical experience. I’m a lifelong learner and know that there’s always room for growth. 

More about my professional experience

Rachel is a Registered Herbal Therapist (RHT) through the British Columbia Herbalists Association (BCHA) and a Certified Aromatherapist through the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA).

Rachel has over 2500 hours of herbal studies including clinical experience with Medical Herbalist Katolen Yardley, online programs with Heartwood, Aviva Romm, MD; Paul Bergner, and Jessie Hawkins, PhD; and independent study. Rachel has completed aromatherapy studies with Jade Shutes and Jessie Hawkins, PhD.

Rachel completed an apprenticeship with Living Earth Herbs, with herbalist Michele Sanger. Rachel’s work at Living Earth Herbs included consultations, retail, and teaching support. In addition, Rachel has taught continuing education classes at Whatcom Community College and was faculty at Northwest Indian College.

Rachel completed a year long coaching program with Joanna Lindenbaum and is pursuing certification as a Sacred Depths coach. Rachel brings her coaching into her herbal practice to help clients take action and foster true change in their lives.

Rachel’s formal education includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health and a Master of Arts degree in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Professionally, Rachel has coached over 400 clients over the last 18 years co-creating transformation and supporting clients in reaching their health, wellness, career, and housing goals.

Number of Clients Worked With

Hours of Natural Health Studies

Years of Experience

As a mom, I want my girls to grow up in a natural home where they are healthy, safe, and loved.

Let’s transform the health of your family with natural remedies together.


Email Address


Call or Text Me

(360) 389-3009

Work with me

Check out my offerings by visiting my Services page!