Remedies for Swollen Eyes From Allergies

Remedies for Swollen Eyes From Allergies

Remedies for Allergies: Swollen Eyes If you’ve ever had seasonal allergies, then the word “Spring” conjures up memories of watery, swollen eyes from allergies, post-nasal drip, sneezing, and being all around miserable. Aaaaachooo  For me, every March/April/May was the...
Relaxing Bath Tea

Relaxing Bath Tea

Hi Everyone! I hope you are having a great week. This week I’ve been working hard. I have been cleaning, going through things, and organizing my house. It’s hard work while chasing around two little people! Last night I decided that I needed some me time....
Quick Look at the Garden

Quick Look at the Garden

These first two pictures are my magnificent elderberry bush. The first picture is my harvest of elder flowers. I store them in a mason jar to use throughout the year. Elder flower is a diaphoretic herb that I love to use when anyone gets a fever. It is mild tasting...